You May Lie...
In Jonas' new work package, one piece of paper outlined the 8 rules he had to live by. Rule#8 stated "You may lie."
- Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing? 3 Sentences minimum. (What would you feel/think if you were given this "permission"?)
- Which rule do you like best? How would you use it? (3 sentences minimum). If you can't remember the EXACT wording of the rules, then grab a book to help you (page#68)
Remember: Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.
He found it disturbing because he didn’t really know what they meant and he didn’t know if other people could have that rule to. And his parents could have been lying to him about a lot of things. If I had that power I would sometimes like it but I would be afraid that it could get out of hand.
ReplyDeleteI would like the rule where you could ask any question and you would get an answer. What I would like best about that rule is that you could ask anyone if like something was wrong or something and get a answer.
i like your answer Jess. But my question is how would you know if the answer is true?-Jaden
DeleteTrue, Jesica, unless they also received rule#8 "You may lie." in which case you would never know if they were telling the truth.
DeleteThat is true but I would like it anyways
Jonas is disturbed by that rule because all his life he was never allowed to lie. He also so felt confused because he wants to ask his parents if there allowed to lie, but if they were then they could lie about lying. Also if that was me I would fell shocked because if I was never allowed lie then why would I be able to lie now? My favourite rule is number 5 because if you had a dream and you don’t want to tell anyone then you don’t have to. I also like number 8 because if you did something bad and you don’t want to tell the truth then you don’t have too.
ReplyDelete~kenzie k.
1.He finds it disturbing because it could change his life, he was taught not to lie at all and he would be different from everyone.
ReplyDelete2.I like the rule were he can ask any question and always get an answer, I would use it to get to know things about that girl that was selected.
1. I think he would find that very disturbing because in the community he has never lied before. I think that he must feel like the odd one out. I know that I would not feel good but I would also be a little bit happy because then I would not have to tell my personal information that I would like to keep to myself. Like if in was Jonas and I got that job before the apple incident then I would have lied and pretend that I did not see anything and try to forget about it. 2. My favourite rule would be the one where it says ‘you can ask any question and you will get an answer.’ The thing that I would not like about that rule is that the rule under it says you may lie. So then you think well, what if everyone has that rule, because it never said that the answer you will get will be true. I would also like the rule that says you are not allowed to share your dreams because then you would not have to go through that but then I would wonder well everyone has to share their dreams but If I do not then what type of dreams will I be having? My least favourite rule is you are not allowed to share this information with anybody. I have one question though: who is the giver and what does he do? But I think that later on in the book my question will be answered. -Jaden
ReplyDeleteCould you put your numbers at the side of your page not in the middle of your sentence because its hard to read!
Delete~ Thanks EM&MA
Sure. I just totally forgot about it intell the last second. I like how you do your posts thoug so i will try.
Delete1. He thought if he asked anyone else if they lie that more people would have the ability to lie. The rules said nothing about people would tell the truth for when he asks questions and if they could lie. If I were given this permission I would use it every day and I would love it and there will be no stopping me!!
ReplyDelete2. I would like the lying one the best! I would use it by, for example,
Mom: Have you cleaned up your room yet?
EMMA: Yes I did!! (P.S. IM LYING!!!:):):):)
Mom: Ok good you may go on your laptop iPad iPhone and TV now sweetie!
That up above is my very good example of how I would use it! That would be AWESOME if I could lie then get away with it:)!!
DeleteNice Emma, but what would happen when your mom saw your room...
I would put a sign on my door that says DO NOT ENTER!!! and then she has to listen to me right!
Delete~EMMA for ~JADEN
1. I think Jonas thought lying was so disturbing because any adult or person who has gotten there assignment they can lie now so maybe he thought his whole childhood adults have been lying to him. When Jonas saw his rule of lying he wondered if he would follow that rule and lie or not follow the rule. If I was given this permission I would only lie if I really had too but I don’t usually lie.
ReplyDelete2. I like rule 3 I think I would like to use this rule because I would like to ask questions and actually get answers back they might not be true but I would just like answers. I also think it would be cool to ask a random person a random question and see how they answer you
i found this on page 68
Great answer Leah, I love your detail.-Jaden
DeleteI think Jonas finds the instruction about lying so disturbing because he has never lied before. Also, he doesn't know if anyone else is allowed to lie. And finally, it makes him think about if his parents have lied to him before.
ReplyDeleteI like rule #3 best because I think you should be able to ask questions. And I might need to know about something that I can’t find anywhere else. Finally, asking questions is a way of life. You need to ask lots of questions, or it’s really hard to learn.
1. Jonas finds the instruction about lying so disturbing because he’s lived up to not lying so he doesn’t feel good about lying to anybody. And his parents might be lying to him sometimes if he asks if they always tell the truth. I would feel like I just broke the rules then feel helpless.
ReplyDelete2. The rule I like the best is the one where he can ask anyone anything and they half to respond. I would use it nicely and respectfully.
-Kai D
1. Jonas thinks that lying is bad because his whole life he was never aloud lying. He thought if he started to lie more people would start lying. If Jonas started to lie then people many not tell him the truth. I would feel ok about it. I would not be made about it. It would be nice to lie some times. Yes I would lie. I would not lie all the time only if I need to lie. It would come in handy some times.
ReplyDelete2. I think that the best one is the lying one. Then you can say to your mom that you clean up your yard. Or to make your bed before you go to school. Or say that your going to bed than you play on a computer for 2 hours longer.
Few spelling errors but nice.-Jaden
Delete1. Jonas was disturbed because all his life he was told to never lie. And now he was told that he can lie and doesn’t know if his parents are able to lie too.
ReplyDelete2. I like the one where you’re able to ask questions and you will get an answer because if you want to know about something then someone will answer you.
1. I think he got permission to lie because they said in the instructions that he mustn’t talk to anyone about his training. That’s why. So that he can say that his training is just like a anyone else’s.
ReplyDelete2. My favorite rule is the one were u are allowed to ask any questions about anyone and anything. I would use it to find out about the lives of other people and how the community came to be.
1. I think he finds them disturbing because he never lied in his life.
ReplyDelete2. I like being told I can lie because I would do something and say I didn’t do it. And I would do stuff I can’t do now.
DeleteWho are you
Deleteinb4 emma
DeleteI have a even better question!!!! WHO ARE YOU!!!
Jonas finds the “you can lie” rule disturbing because Jonas’s whole life he was forbidden to lie and now Jonas has the option to lie for as long as he’s a receiver. If I was given this rule I would feel responsible or think why I am given this option.
ReplyDeleteI like the “you may lie” rule as it can get me to or out of places or trouble.
Ashton H.
Maybe Jonas finds the rule so disturbing because he is a nice person and lying is mean.
ReplyDeleteIf I had the permission to lie I would tell my mom that a have no homework and tell the teachers that I finished it.
I like rule number 3 the most.
I would use it to ask anyone any question.
-Marek (Or CoolStormChaser)
1. Jonas found the rules about lying so disturbing because for his entire child hood he had learned to tell the truth. I think he would feel like it is bad to do this job because he has always learnt to follow the rules. I would be surprised because in have been told by my parents not to lie.
ReplyDelete2. I would like the rule that said I can ask any question and get an answer. I would not like the rule were I am too not talk to anyone but go straight home after training. I would also not like the rule that forbids to get any medication for training.
1. it’s because all his life he was taught about how you should always speak the truth and how not to lie. He thought that what if other people had this rule that would mean that maybe his parents lied to him about things. I would feel a bit surprised because if all my life I wasn’t allowed to lie then why should I start now?
ReplyDelete2. My favorite rule is number 5 because sometimes I won’t like telling my dreams to my parents because what if it was something about them or something really personal.
1.The rule about lying disturbed Jonas because he had always been taught not to lie and use precise language. His whole life lying hasn’t been allowed and now it is allowed. Jonas is also wondering if he was the only twelve who got this rule or if his parents also got this rule. If my whole life I had been taught not to lie then suddenly I could lie I would feel confused and unsure.
ReplyDelete2.My favorite rule is number 8. I could use this rule to get out of situations and not get in trouble.
Delaney B.
1. Jonas found lying disturbing because lying can change people’s life if you use it in a mean way.
ReplyDelete2. I would like to lie if I feel like doing something I don’t want like do the dishes because it’s boring. Or do laundry because it takes a long time. And say if you were outside playing then your mom or dad comes and says go CLEAN YOUR ROOM.
1. Jonas finds the instruction about lying so disturbing because he NEVER lies. He Never did lie so this is a very new to rule to him. I would feel strange if I was given this rule because usually it’s very rude to lie and disturbing.
ReplyDelete2. I like the fifth rule best because I’m not used to telling my dreams. I would follow this rule by not telling my dreams to anyone.
Kiana : )
1. I would feel disturbed cause I wasn’t allowed to lie my whole life now he can lie so would think everybody else is lying and they got the rule you are allowed to lie. If you every asked anyone if they could lie they could lie the answer. If I was given this permission to lie I wouldn’t lie because it could wreck relationships and friendships.
ReplyDelete2. I like and don’t like number 8 because If u don’t want to tell the truth. I don’t like it because it can break friendships and gain enemies. My favorite rule is number eight because I would use it carefully.
1. I think Jonas found the instruction that he could lie so disturbing because he’s never ever lied in his life before. If I was given permission to lie I would be scared because then I would’ve never lied before. I also would’ve thought it was unnatural to lie,
ReplyDelete2. My favorite rule is #7 because I don’t think I would apply for release either. I would use this permission to stay in the community. I would never have to apply for release.
. Graham :)
1) I think Jonas finds the instruction to lie is disturbing because the rule book says no lying so I think he would think he would be lying. I would use the lying rule to lie.
ReplyDelete2) I would use the lying rule to lie my way out of stuff like doing the dishes. Or to get out of doing homework. Or to lie about how much I like for example I could lie about how much good some food is.
3) Wyler s
1.He finds lying disturbing because he wasn’t allowed lying when he was younger, but now he can, so his mind is thinking about what to do. I would feel comfortable of lying because I’m use to lying. For example, sometimes I tell my mom I did my chores, but to be honest I was using my ipad.
ReplyDelete2.I would prefer rule#8 (“You may lie”) because it’s lying, and lying isn’t too hard for me. It turns out that I do it almost all the time. Especially to my siblings (which I am sort of feeling good about…).
1.I think Jonas finds the instruction about lying disturbing because he is not used to lying to other people, and maybe if someone found out they would be mad at him for lying. If I had this “permission”, I would not use it very often because I don’t like lying to people and if they found out I was lying they would get mad.
ReplyDelete2. My favorite rule is number five. Number five is when you are prohibited from dream-telling. I would use it because if I had any negative dreams of someone in my family unit then they would be mad at me.