Click on this link and read chapter one of Trueman Bradley Aspie Detective from page 7 to page 17. From the reading, answer the following questions.
- Which idioms or expressions does Trueman Bradley have difficulty understanding?
- Trueman knows that he had difficulty interpreting other peoples' facial expressions, which two, in particular does he get confused with?
- Trueman has some definite strengths compared to most other people. What are they and how does he show this?
- What syndrome does Truman have? Why might people who suffer from this syndrome be bullied?
- What evidence in Trueman's background suggests that he may have been bullied as a child?
- Go to the following web page and read the list of symptoms that children with this syndrome might have. Then comment on at least one of these traits that you have noticed in yourself occasionally. Tell which one, when you noticed or notice it, where it happened, and how it made you feel at the time. (This does NOT mean you have ASD, but that we all may have, at times, shown some of the symptoms.:)
- Who are the people in the pictures above? What do they all have in common?
Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.